Quote on Baby Shower for Couple Funny

For centuries, bridal showers were gatherings for family and friends to share their love and support with the bride. From this, we slowly acquired the habit of gifting the couple and leaving them happy and thoughtful bridal shower wishes. These deeds would be a source of joy and encouragement once they began their journey in married life. If anything, the pre-wedding party, as known by others, has only become a bigger deal, especially for women. Making it as memorable as possible has become the job of the bride's best friend, siblings, and even guests. For some, coming up with the perfect message for the future bride can be a painstaking event. We already coveredunique bridal shower gifts, now let's tackle bride-to-be wishes.

What to Write in a Bridal Shower Card?

Writing bridal shower greeting cards for the bride-to-be requires much thought and consideration. You'll need to write genuinely from your heart, and ensure that your relationship with the future bride guides your message. Whether you send her an e-card or printable pre-wedding card, the utmost priority is to make her feel special. As you write, put in mind the beautiful memories and the experiences you've shared. Even if you're not close to the bride-to-be, it's still vital to mention how happy you are for her. Below are five tips you can follow to help you come up with the best bridal shower cards ideas:

  • Make her feel special by informing her that she will look stunning on her wedding day. You'll probably also need to remind her that she'll be everyone's focal point on her big day. Writing 1-2 sentences emphasizing these facts will reassure her.
  • Write from your heart, i.e., ensure that your card is reflects your bond with the bride. Let her know how much her happiness and the prosperity of her marriage means to you.
  • You should also wish the future bride love and laughter on her upcoming wedding day and marriage.
  • Finally, include an inspiring quote in your message, maybe something from your favorite poet. The bride-to-be will appreciate and remember these inspirational words.

Funny Wishes

These messages are designed for those who don't reside on the dull side of life. Funny yet elegant words for a bride-to-be and personalized by an inside joke or two are perfect for wedding cards. Remember to sign off the pre-wedding card message with words of encouragement, compliments, and happiness for the bride-to-be. This type of card is suitable for both close friends and acquaintances of the couple. If you fall in the latter group, a light, hilarious joke followed by a congratulations message will do the trick.

bridal shower wishes - funny

  • "Congrats on your upcoming wedding and (hopefully) getting the matching towel set of your dreams!"
  • Best wishes to you on your special day! Just remember—if you need an escape plan, you know where to find me! All my love.
  • "Totally happy for and kinda jealous of you right now."
  • "This is the end of an era!"
  • Almost the big day! It's not too late to back out! Just kidding—you and I both know that you found your perfect match. Congratulations!
  • Forget Beyoncé and Jay-Z. You two are the epitome of #RelationshipGoals. Wishing you the best on your wedding day!
  • In the words of the great philosopher Phoebe Buffay, congratulations on finding your "lobster." I knew from day one that you two were meant to be.
  • Congratulations on finding the one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life!
  • Not sure if I'm more jealous of the fact that you're getting married, or of all the cool gifts you're going to get. (Just kidding, it is definitely the gifts.)
  • You two are like Cholula and tacos; hot and perfect together!

Religious Wishes

This category caters to the bride-to-be friends who are deep-rooted in church or family members who subscribe to similar beliefs. Some brides are religious, while others may not be. Either way, it is crucial to do your homework before taking this route to avoid any awkward situations. A quote from the scriptures, the Bible, Quran, or any other holy book is the safest way to go. You can use a short heartfelt congratulations message to wrap up the card beautifully. The future bride will love you for it.

religious bridal shower wishes

  • When you join hands and come together on your special day, I pray to God that you will never have to take them apart.
  • May your love for God and your love for each other grow stronger with every passing day. Sending all my love.
  • May God grant you love, laughter, and happiness together. We're so happy for you! Congratulations!
  • A relationship is strongest with God at the center. Wishing you a strong, happy marriage!
  • May God bless your union with…. May your love be filled with joy, love, laughter and unyielding faith!
  • When you join hands and come together on your special day, I pray to God that you will never have to take them apart.
  • With God in your heart, your marriage will overflow with joy, love, and prosperity. Wishing you a beautiful wedding day and marriage.
  • "Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate." (Matthew 19:6) Congratulations on starting your journey!
  • Mazel Tov! May you find joy and happiness in marriage and in life.
  • A husband and wife can love each other best when they love God first. Wishing you love on your special day!

Bridal Shower Wishes for Daughter

They say the only person more excited about getting married than the bride is her mother. As a mom or dad, you will want to pour your heart out to your daughter or daughter-in-law. You will also want to share as much marriage advice and wisdom as you can. Unfortunately, this bridal shower card is not the ideal place to do it. For the perfect card, keep the congratulations Bridal Shower wishes simple, loving, and reassuring. After all, you will forever be her parent, and marriage shall not take away the memories you shared together.

bridal shower wishes for daughter


Sending all my love!"

"For the special bride-to-be, wishing you the life's beautiful moments together with your husband-to-be. Enjoy these beautiful moments to the fullest. Congratulations. Stay happy! Stay Sweet!"

"I have loved you from the minute I first held you in my arms and I will love you for eternity. I am so happy that you found a wonderful man like … who will shower you with love and affection for the rest of your days."

"You are the most beautiful, thoughtful, and special daughter a parent could ask for. I can't wait to celebrate with you on your big day."

"Congratulations on finding a wonderful person to share your life with. It brings me comfort to know that you two have everything you need, because you have each other. I'll always be here for you no matter what. All my love."

"Marriage is full of ups and downs. Continue to celebrate and cherish the ups, and support and care for each other through the downs. We'll be here for you no matter what! Congratulations and enjoy your wedding day."

"Dear [bride's name],

All a mother ever wants is her daughter to be happy, safe, and healthy! I have no doubt that [partner's name] will make you the happiest woman on earth."

"Dearest daughter, words can't express how proud I am to see you take this beautiful step in your life. I can't wait for the wedding day! May your life be encircled in the arms of peace and joy forever."

"Gosh how time flies! You are all grown up now and beginning a new chapter in your life. May it be filled with love, dedication and happiness."

Bridal Shower Wishes for Sister

The strong bond between siblings is almost incomprehensible. It is never gray: it is either white or black. People often joke that they can donate one of their kidneys for their sibling. At the same time, they are never happy to share even their chargers with them. This sort of humor can help you come up with a beautiful DIY bridal shower card. Unfortunately, there are also those whose relationship is on the other end of the spectrum. The relationship might be strained, making it difficult for the older sister to find kind words for the young bride-to-be. We shall cover both scenarios to help you say congratulations by picking Bridal Shower wishes to your older or younger sister on the pre-wedding card.

bridal shower wishes - sister


  • "I can't believe my baby sister is getting married! So thrilled for you."
  • "Remember back when we used to play wedding with our dolls? Well, Sis, I hope your big day is even more fun and unforgettable."
  • If the man you are going to marry is as wonderful as you are, I'll consider myself extremely lucky. I will have a wonderful sister and brother-in-law to be thankful for. Congratulations, sis.
  • I hope that we are still just as close as ever once you are married. I'm your sister, and nothing is going to change that. Hope your bridal shower is the best!
  • "This is more than a shower—it's your welcome-to-the-family party! Looking forward to having you for a 'sister.'"
  • As you get ready to marry the man who's right for you, know that I'm right here wishing you the best. Happy bridal shower, sis.
  • It's hard to believe I used to braid your hair when we were kids, and soon I'll be styling it for your wedding. I wish you a happy marriage, sis.
  • "[Bride's name], Do you remember when we were children and we 'married' the cat and dog in the garden? All I can say is that I hope your big day is as special as Mr. and Mrs….. You deserve all the happiness in the world!"
  • "Seeing you and [partner's name] together makes my heart swell! I can't wait to see my beautiful big sister walk down the aisle and start the next chapter of her life!"
  • A sister like you is truly a blessing, and I'm so happy to hear my beloved sister is getting married. Good luck, sis!

Bridal Shower Wishes for Best Friend

A bestie often becomes family, and they hold a very dear place in the bride-to-be's heart. Just as with cherished siblings, the bond between best friends is unique and unbelievably strong. If you've been a best friend to the bride-to-be all your life, you may worry that she will forget you. The feeling is even worse if you're unmarried. Nonetheless, you should still wish the future bride a genuine congrats message and your sincere love. This is the best way to package your emotions on her big day during her pre-wedding party. These bridal shower wishes can be an all in one: funny, sweet, sentimental, or any of the above.

wishes for best friend

  • "May your life after wedding be full of love and care. Congratulations dear. All the best!"
  • "Blessing you to be the happiest bride ever as you start your journey with the man of your dreams. Congratulations dear! Stay Blessed!"
  • "Before you tie the strongest of bond ever with your husband to be, here's me wishing all the worldly pleasures and lifelong happiness for the bride-to-be. Take Care!"
  • I still remember you the day you two met and fell in love. It's amazing to see you both have found true happiness. Wishing you a truly special day.
  • Congratulations on finding that special guy. Have a wonderful life together.
  • May you and your husband be blessed in your marriage by the blending of your friends and family!
  • Kiss every day, laugh often, and never stop being friends. You two were made for each other.
  • Congratulations on finding your perfect mate! Wishing you, my best friend, and your new spouse the best on your upcoming day.
  • May you and your husband be blessed in your marriage by the blending of your friends and family!

Bridal Shower Wishes for Coworker

As with any colleague, keeping your congratulations message general is advisable to avoid crossing boundaries. Of course, this is unless you have a special relationship with the bride-to-be. When a woman is getting married, she hopes that everyone attending her wedding is happy for her. It is essential to mention this on the card to show her you care. It is also best to keep the message sincere yet not exaggerated. You can offer her Bridal Shower wishes, using sweet words and wise sayings to enclose this wedding card's message.

wishes for coworker

  • Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day. I can't wait to celebrate with you!
  • Congratulations on taking this big step! I wish you nothing but happiness!
  • "I was so excited to hear you are getting married. Congratulations to you and your new husband. Wishing you the best always."
  • "I know we haven't kept in close contact lately, but I want you to know that I am thrilled to take part in this special time of your life."
  • "May every wonderful thing be yours and all of your wedding dreams come true as you're showered with love and attention today and wished a long and happy lifetime, too!"
  • May laughter and love be the soundtrack of your marriage.
  • Wishing you the wedding day and marriage of your dreams.
  • From the first day, I saw you two, I knew that you were meant for each other. As we toast, I'd like to wish you two all the best in life.
  • Here's to a wonderful ceremony and an even better long and happy life together. Wishing you all the best on your special day.
  • It will be a magical moment when you two say, "I do."

Bridal Shower Quotes

Even after writing the perfect message on the wedding cards, you may feel the need to spice up your message. That's still okay; just add a few more love quotes. Don't be worried about being goofy and funny; if the bride-to-be is a romantic, she'll definitely appreciate it. Let your words come from your heart and full of bridal shower blessings. Below are some of the best wedding shower quotes for a card or e-cards. They cover various topics from funny to inspirational and religious, that will ensure a happy shower day for the bride.

bridal shower quotes

  • "The best thing in life to hold onto is each other." – Audrey Hepburn
  • "A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short." – André Maurios
  • "We love because it is the only true adventure." – Nikki Giovanni
  • "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." – Aristotle
  • "Before you marry a person you should make them use a computer with really slow Internet to see who they really are!" – Will Ferrell
  • "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." – The Beatles
  • "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." – Robert Heinlein
  • "'God, the best maker of all marriages, combine your hearts in one, your realms in one.' — Shakespeare; Wishing you all the best,"
  • "'Were there nothing else, For which to praise the heavens but only love… Only love were cause enough for praise.' —Tennyson; Wishing you a lifetime of love together…"
  •  "Everything that's difficult you should be able to laugh about," he says. We'll take a dose of that!" – comedian Louis C.K.

Final Words!

Make the most out of the opportunity to share your emotions and thoughts about marriage with the bride-to-be. This wonderful occasion shall form memories that you can look back at after many years down the line. Bridal shower wishes should be unique, personalized, and full of emotion. With these great love quotes and bridal shower card ideas, you'll write the most memorable wedding card. Whatever you choose, just don't forget to sign it!

See also:

25 Best Personalized Bridal Shower Gift Ideas For 2021


Source: https://www.brideboutiquela.com/bridal-shower-wishes/

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